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Offline Marketing


Discover Simple Offline Promotional Tactics For Any Online
Business !



Chapter 1 – Your Online Business

If you already have an online business or if you are considering starting an online business, you may be under the impression that your marketing efforts will be based solely online. After all, you have a business that is online and where is a better way to market it than through the internet?

This is one of the most common mistakes that people make when they have any business. They choose a marketing plan and stick with it, not thinking about the big picture. This happens often in the off line business world in which businesses feel that they should not market online because “that is not where there customer base comes from.” This is wrong. An increasing number of people are using the internet to find out about off line businesses as well. It is important for any business owner, whether they have an online business or off line business to cross market as much as they can.

You probably already have some ideas about how you plan to market your business online. But if you just stick to this one way of marketing, you are only reaching a small portion of people. In order to successfully market your online business, no matter what it is, you need to use off line marketing strategies as well.

Offline marketing strategies can end up costing you a bit more than some of the online methods, but they are proven to work. There is a billion dollar business in promotional products alone that has worked well through the years to promote various businesses. The same marketing plans that work for off line businesses can also work for your online business. You just need to know how to use them and when.


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